Andrew Cresse's Blog

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Drew's New Do

We gave Andrew a new hair style today.
He seemed to like it.

Click here for more pics.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Professional Photo Shoot

Andrew had a professional photo shoot at the hospital today.
See the pictures here.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Meeting the Family

It's a Boy!

Labor Pics

Got my toenails done pink and blue in preparation for labor.

Updating facebook during induction.

Hillbilly Grandparents

Aunt Chris and Uncle Mike sent me pretty flowers!

Adam dressed for C-section

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Real Deal - Part I

Jen had her regular weekly checkup today. Because of our weekend episode they checked on her BP and did another biophysical profile of the baby. This time they couldn't get the baby to move (even though it was moving like crazy the night before when I was reading to it). The doctor said that she would feel much better if the baby was on the outside, so Jen had to go straight to the hospital to start the induction process.

Jen called me a bunch of times (our signal that it was go time) but I was RIGHT in the middle of explaining my work project to a bunch of people. At the first available time, I said "Yeah, I gotta go. My wife's having a baby." and I got someone else to cover for me.

I took the next train home and had Jen's dad pick me up and take me to the hospital. Of course we got a flat tire, but everything worked out.

When I got to the hospital it became apparent that this was not going to be an immediate thing. They gave her 2 doses of something to prepare her for induction, but each one takes 12 hours. The first one was at noon, so we will have to wait until noon tomorrow before we will induce.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

False Alarm - But Good Thing

Friday night we went to a wedding. I strongly suggested that Jen not go crazy dancing (I really preferred that she not do it all but what do I know :) ). We had a good time.

That night though Jen was slightly worried that her water may have broken and she had a few contractions. They were not really painful, but Jen had just heard a story about a friend of a friend that was not sure she was in labor and by time she decided to go in, she was 8 cm dilated. Jen was worried she might be one of these lucky cases, so in the morning we called just to be safe and they suggested that we come in to check.

They ruled out the water breaking pretty quickly and the baby checked out well on the ultrasound, but it turned out that she had a UTI and high blood pressure.

They gave her antibiotics and kept us there overnight for observation. While she was laying down and relaxing her BP was much better, so the next day they sent her home but only on modified bed rest.

This was kind of a lucky experience for us - it caught several problems and gave us a nice practice run so we will be more comfortable next time.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Conroy Shower

Here are some pictures from my Conroy family shower. It was great to see everyone!

Katie and I

Isn't this cake adorable?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Childbirth Class!

Had our childbirth marathon class today! Adam is way more relaxed now! After the video, I am a little freaked out, but this baby is coming out no matter what so there really is no point in worrying. Just really glad that the baby chose to wait until procrastinating mommy and daddy had a chance to get the class under their belts!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Started having Braxton-hicks contractions.... fun times!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Baby Dropped

Noticed today that the baby dropped. It means we are getting ready to go right? According to the book, the baby should be here 2-4 weeks after dropping.... MAYBE.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tree in Nursery

Kristen came and finished the tree in the nursery yesterday. It had no leaves before she came, and she finished the leaves in one day. It is absolutly perfect. I am uploading pictures without leaves then ones with leaves.

Now we only have a few things left to do in the nursery before the baby arrives! I also went today and purchased coming home outfits. One for if it is a girl and one for if it is a boy.... can't wait!