Andrew Cresse's Blog

Monday, April 20, 2009

Baby Skeletor

Today was our 24 week appointment, and we had a second - second trimester ultrasound since the baby would not cooperate last time. I tried drinking strawberry lemonade first to try to help the baby get hyper, but it didn't want to cooperate again. It did move a little more this time and they got 6 of the 7 angles that they needed, and could see enough of the face to check for deformities. The heart rate was 138 bpm. The baby covered its face with both of its arms for most of the time, so she had trouble getting a good pic for us to take home. We did get this creepy Skeletor shot though. The ultrasound technician actually said it looked like Skeletor. We did freak out a little when the tech went to get a doctor. He said that the cord was twisty in some places like it should be, but in other places it was not as twisty as they would like it to be. We freaked out a little, but when we went for the checkup appointment, we asked the other doctor and she said it was no big deal. She said that sometimes they can see more than they used to, and no one has really studied whether or not cord twistyness makes a difference. We will have to go back for two more ultrasounds though.... one at 32 weeks and probably again at 36 weeks to make sure that the baby is growing enough. But we shouldn't be worried, its just different....


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