Andrew Cresse's Blog

Monday, January 26, 2009

Holding our breath

We had our 12 week appointment today.   One of the first things that the nurse did was check for the heartbeat.   It took the nurse a good 5 minutes to find the heartbeat.  We were both nervous because I haven't been feeling sick, just tired lately.  So I was worried that something was wrong before we got there.   The nurse kept moving the thing around on my belly trying different positions.   She didn't really say anything and I was totally freaking out!   Adam said that he was freaking out too, but we waited for what felt like forever for her to find it.   When she found the heartbeat we both breathed a sigh of relief and laughed a little in relief.   The rest of the appointment was pretty uneventful.   We met with the high risk doctor to talk about my thyroid.   He told us that we got through the rough part with my thyroid, and that since we have made it so far we are in the clear.


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